Lamar FFA
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It's ALL about the FFA!

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What is FFA?
-    FFA is not extracurricular! The program is part of a three-part model of education that consists of classroom instruction, supervised agricultural experiences and the FFA. Classroom agricultural education is applied to hands-on learning opportunities called supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs). SAEs include activities such as raising an animal, building an Ag mechanics project, starting a business, working for an established company or working in production agriculture. The FFA provides members the opportunity for leadership experience and competitions, scholarships and personal opportunities for involvement. FFA is a dynamic student-led leadership development organization for students of agricultural education. The FFA changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.

What does FFA stand for? 
 - FFA stands for Future Farmers of America. We don’t use the full name and instead operate as the “FFA” because Future Farmers of America implies that we are all preparing to be farmers. Agriculture is much broader than farming and ranching. Members study things such as horticulture, aquaculture, food sciences, accounting, wildlife management, mechanics and engineering.

What is the official dress for FFA?
- Female Official Dress

  • Black skirt.
    Skirt is to be at least knee length, hemmed evenly across the bottom, with a slit no longer than 2 inches above the knee, excluding the kick pleat. Black slacks may be appropriate for traveling and outdoor activities.
  • White collared blouse and official FFA blue scarf.
  • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe (No boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, or tennis shoes.)
  • Black nylon hosiery.
  • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top.

    -Male Official Dress

  • Black dress pants. (No jeans - blue or black, leather, pleather, etc.)
  • White dress shirt and official FFA tie
  • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe. (No boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, tennis shoes. )
  • Black socks.
  • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top.

    How do I join FFA?
    - To be a member of FFA you have to be in a Agriculture class. If you are, ask Ms. Infante, Ms. Krause, or Dr. Ellis for information about becoming a member! If you are not in an Agriculture class, talk to your academic adviser on how to switch into one. 

    Image result for ffa blue jacket

    What’s up with the blue corduroy jacket?

    - The blue corduroy jacket was adopted at the official dress after the Fredericktown, Ohio chapter had the blue jackets made for their local chapter in 1933 and came to the National FFA convention wearing them. The delegates at that convention voted to make that the official jacket, and they have been part of the official uniform ever since. It is a unifying tradition the we will gladly honor.

    How do I get an official FFA jacket?
    - You can click on this link,

  • Documents

    Lamar FFA Handbook 2023-2024 Kaylin Krause 9/5/2023 1331 KB



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